The Tower of London – a large castle complex. It was founded by William the Conqueror. It served as a palace, then as a prison, and a fortress. It is a museum now. Crown Jewels are kept here – guarded by Beefeaters in their traditional uniform
Tower Bridge – one of the symbols of London. It can open in the middle and let large ships go through. Inside the Bridge there is an exhibition about the history of the Bridge.
The City of Westminster
· Its „heart“ is Westminster Abbey – it is used for state occasions such as royal coronations and funerals. More than 3.000 important people are buried here.
Next to Westminster Abbey are the Houses of Parliament: huge buildings in Gothic style. At the end is St. Stephen´s Tower with the famous clock and the bell called „Big Ben“ – its voice is broadcast as the BBC time signal
· The Monarch´s residence: Buckingham Palace. Nowadays, it is the seat of Queen Elisabeth II. Changing the Guard in front of the Palace is a big parade.
London Eye – the largest Ferris Wheel in Europe. It is located near the Houses of Parliament. You have a wonderful view over London from the top of the Wheel.
Trafalgar Square – was named after the Battle of Trafalgar: Admiral Nelson defeatet Napoleon Bonaparte (1805). There is a high column with Nelson´s statue on the top. There are fountains and also pigeons (people like to feed them). It is a favourite place for meetings and demonstrations. On New Year´s Eve people gather here at midnight and they sing and celebrate.
In Trafalgar Square is the building of the National Gallery – with paintings by great European artists. The admission is free!
· Piccadilly Circus – another center of entertainment (cafés, restaurants, shops). In the middle is the Statue of Eros (the God of Love), buildings have neon signs with advertisements on them.
· The British Museum - is the biggest museum in the world: it houses big collections of animals, minerals and rocks, antiquities from ancient Greece and Rome, Egyptian mummies etc. The admission is free.

Royal Parks of London

Hyde Park gates