- occupies the northern part of North America
- the second biggest country in the world
- the Capital is Ottawa
- the area is divided into provinces and territories (10 provinces and 3 territories)
- official languages are English and French
- the national flag consists of three stripes: red, white and red. In the middle of the flag is red maple leaf
- the currency is Canadian dollar
- the Head of state is British Queen. She is represented by Governor General. Canada has its own government and Parliament.
- the population is mostly of European origin, plus the groups of native people (Native Americans - Indians, and the Inuit - or Eskimos)
Land and climate
- Canada borders on the Arctic Ocean in the north, on the Pacific Ocean in the west, the Atlantic Ocean in the east and the United States in the south
- it shares four of the five Great Lakes with the USA (except Michigan - it belongs to the USA)
- another lakes are: Great Bear Lake, Great Slave Lake, Lake Winnipeg
- the largest rivers are: the Mackenzie, the Fraser, the St. Lawrence, the Yukon
- the climate is generally very cold
Some places of interest
- Toronto - CN Tower -
- Quebec - the only French speaking province. Its capital is Quebec City - the oldest city in Canada with old French architecture. Another city in this province is Montreal.
- Calgary - olympic stadium
- Vancouver - olympic stadium
- official name is Commonwealth of Australia
- the only country which is also a continent
- the Indian ocean in the west, the Pacific ocean in the east
- major rivers are: the Darling, the Murray
- Australia is divided into states and territories
- the head of state is British Queen; she is represented by Governor General
- Australia has its own government and parliament
- the Capital is Canberra
- biggest cities are Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, Perth
- national flag is Union Jack on a blue field with five white stars which represent the Southern Cross, and one large white star
- the currency is Australian dollar
- people of European origin (mainly British and Irish descendants).
- Aborigines - native Australians. They manufactured a lot of tools, for example boomerang - it is used for hunting; when it is thrown into the air, it returns back to the thrower.
- because the Australian continent had been evolving separately, there are lots of unique species, such as kangaroo, platypus, dingo (Australian wild dog), Tasmanian devil, koala bear, wombat and lots of others.
Places of interest:
Sydney - the largest city of Australia. Famous opera house - a modern white building which looks like waves breaking. Long beaches.
Melbourne - second largest city in Australia. Centre of Australian tennis, golf, horse racing, football. Big parks and gardens (Royal Botanic Garden).
Natinal Parks: Kakadu National Park (with Aboriginal rock paintings)
- Uluru National Park (with Ayers Rock - a huge sandstone which rises above a desert, and it changes its colour according to the sunlight, for example pink or red).
Great Barrier Reef - world´s longest coral reef. People go skin diving there.
- an island country. It consists of two islands: North and South Island
- national flag is Union Jack on a blue field with five red stars (the Southern Cross)
- the symbol is the kiwi bird (a bird that cannot fly)
- beautiful nature: scenic landscapes (mountains with snow-caps, green pastures). The movie "The Lord of the Rings" was made here).
- the Capital is Wellington
- New Zealand is an agricultural country. New Zealand is a big exporter of wool.
- native people are the Maori (with tattooing on their faces)